Mental Health Group
Meeting Time: every Sunday 7:15 - 8:15pm PT
Hung Wei, Cupertino City Council, 2020-2021 Rotary District 5170 Membership Chair;
Dr. Clifton Der Bing, licensed psychologist, campus psychologist at Foothill College
Student Leaders: Esther Luan, Anita Chamraj, Alyssa Yao
With all the issues constantly plaguing us, how can we ensure that our communities maintain wellness? The mental health advocacy group will help students understand how wellness policies are implemented and their effects. Specifically, this group aims to tackle the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on community wellbeing, including but not limited to distance learning quality, maintaining normalcy through extracurriculars, increase in domestic issues, and repercussions of social isolation. Students will discuss the importance of wellness in daily life and draft ideas for specific issues they care about. Ultimately, this group will empower students to bring these proposals to school boards and education committees, positively affecting their communities.
Check out previous year's project presentation and resources here.
Goals for 2021 Mental Health Study Group
1) Understanding what is Mental Health - one or two speakers from the Mental Health medical field with a focus on teen mental health issues
2) What is currently offered in Mental Health Support in schools and in the City - one or two speakers from local School Districts and/or the City and one speaker from a local hospital's Administrative Department
3) What Mental Health issues teens are experiencing - YAPA Mental Health Group to brainstorm actions: Teen testimonials, surveys, anonymous online statements/personal stories, parent perspectives, etc.
4) What the legislative bodies can do to support Mental Health - one of two speakers from local and/or state legislative representatives with YAPA Mental Health Group preparations, in advance, of recommendations of laws that the legislative bodies can implement to support Mental Health with focus on Teen Mental Health issues
5) What we have learned and what we can do -
a. YAPA Mental Health Group presents a Recommendation to the City Government one or two legislative actions that a City can do to support local Mental Health;
b. Each member of YAPA Mental Health Group reflects on the learning process and comes up with, as a group, actions that can be implemented in our daily life, Each member chooses and commits to three action items to be completed in the following six months, to make a difference in Mental Health issues on a personal level. Each member will report back to the Adviser, as s/he completes an action item. The Adviser will collect all action items completed and make a presentation on the Impact YAPA Mental Health Group members have made on Mental Health issues in their communities.