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Spring Service Project 2

Olivia Song, Maggie Dong

Juvenile Justice

May 2, 2021

1:00-2:30pm PDT

This event already happened! Click here for the event recap posted on our blog, and view the event video below. ​

The idea behind this project is to bring awareness on the topic of juvenile justice and help educate the youth and parents on what to expect, look out for, and how to take action.

Save the date for May 2, 2021, from 1:00-2:30 PM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time).


Do you know that around 76,000 juveniles are prosecuted, sentenced, or incarcerated in the US as adults annually? Children that lash out due to mental health issues or experienced abuse are further beaten down and discarded by the system.


Teenagers are facing tremendous challenges in today's world such as peer pressures, cyberbullying, additions to social media, drugs or alcohol usages ...etc. Adolescents who fall behind in their mental and physical health are at higher risk of making the wrong choices to conduct illegal behaviors and inappropriate actions.


YAPA presents Risky Business, a virtual webinar to educate students, parents and community members about the dangers of illegal behaviors, how to avoid falling into this phase, as well to learn about the justice system in place today. Save the date for May 2, 2021, from 1:00-2:30 PM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time).




Ms. Mozaffar will provide an overview of the history and current status of the juvenile justice system as well as reforms taking place around the country to improve it. Detective Wistocki will share his years of experience educating parents and teens about sexting, cyberbullying, truancy, vaping, and more and discuss his work on a diversion program to avoid suspension, arrest, court, and adjudication.


Q&A will follow the speaker presentations with live questions from the audience as well as questions collected through the RSVP form. After the webinar, the audience is encouraged to take a Week-long Challenge that will put the lessons learned from the webinar into real-life applications.






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The members of this group chose this project because they think that this project will help others gain more knowledge about the topic of students doing illegal activities. It is crucial to inform adults and young individuals alike about the issue of the youth acting illegally in order to help the youth live a better and safer life.

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